19 August 2012

Boston Baby!

Hi! So it's been a while since we've posted and to any/all of you who read this blog...I'm sorry! We're not usually so irregular but both Denny and I have been away on holiday so there wasn't much time or internet access for that matter haha 

Apologies aside, I thought I'd share with you some snaps from the first half of my holiday. I'm actually still living the second half and am posting this post from a sunny balcony in Southern California! So for the first week I went to Boston (MA). It was really fun (albeit really hot&humid) and I was able to see everything I planned to. I ate my Boston cream pie, I saw Paul Revere (well...his marble twin) and I went to Harvard. I also got to sit on the same seat that good old Teddy (Theodore Roosevelt) sat on once upon a time which made me feel somewhat more important...or manly...but yes, good trip!

Paul Revere

Holocaust Memorial!

This cute married couple I stumbled upon in the park

Hmmm din-dins from the vending machine

The fam.

My sis looking finnneeee in her lobster hat

6 August 2012


Boston here I come! I'm just about to embark on my second holiday of the year, this time to Boston *USA*. According to the forecast the weather is hot hot hot and humid! I can't say that I love humidity (I have frizzy hair!!!) but still...it will be HOT. After months in the rain I can't wait. Anyway, here's a little look at my suitcase and at just a few of the things I'm taking with me. Bare in mind I plan to buy lots while away so there's not much!!


2 August 2012

DIY Fringe top tutorial!

All you need to fringe a top is a top and sharp scissors and start cutting strips away! It's so easy to do, anyone can do it. I was just browsing through Urban Outfitters on Oxford Street and saw this vintage purple tank top which seemed perfect to fringe at home. I wouldn't have worn the tank top if it wasn't fringed as I would look like a 5year old! I have filmed a YouTube video on how to fringe a top, click here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PCXc71kZdPA&feature=g-upl

Click above to watch video (how I styled it at the end)
I hope you enjoy this video and post. The shorts I am wearing in the picture have some studs peaking out too, read my blog post on DIY stud denim shorts! http://theurbanbible.blogspot.co.uk/2012/07/diy-stud-denim-shorts-tutorial.html Thumbs it up on Youtube and follow us on Blogger? 


27 July 2012

Aveeno: Daily Moisturizing Lotion review

Aveeno? Avee-yes! Meet my new bestfriend. He's sheer, creamy and oh-so effective.
I'll be honest, my skin hasn't been so great these past days. It's been dry from the heat, and thanks to the vast amounts of BP I've been slathering on (See the Daniel Kern Regimen) I've had a serious case of the flakies(*). I went out one day in pursuit of a soothing moisturizer to calm everything down: enter Aveeno. This moisturizer doesn't actually say to use it on the face, but thanks to all the great reviews on MakeupAlley I felt comfortable enough to do so.

The moisturizer itself contains oatmeal extract, a proven calming agent which soothes the skin. It's fragrance and paraben free (Which is nice to see in a drugstore product), although it does contain alcohol which is a little annoying. The product itself is quite sheer, although it does take a good ten minutes to absorb into your skin so bare that in mind if you plan to apply foundation on top. It's gentle, hasn't caused/aggravated my spots and the best bit really, is that it's very cheap. A bottle of 300ml costs only £5.10 from Boots. I was torn between this and the Shiseido 'Moisturizing Emulsion' ( £33.50), and I'm glad I chose this. While it doesn't get rid of my dry skin completely, I find it's most useful for calming it. The burning and itching associated with BP *Benzoyl Peroxide* goes away almost immediately after I put this on, and the flakes of dry skin *eww* lump up making them easy to extract. 

This is after I rubbed it in, after leaving it a few moments it will completely dissapear
(*) If you're on the Regimen or your skin is feeling dry and tight from the use of skincare products, try adding a few drops of Jojoba Oil to your moisturizer. Very effective!!


26 July 2012

Lush Fresh Face mask: Catastrophe Cosmetic Review

So this is my second pot of Lush's Catastrophe Cosmetic face mask (£5.95-ouch!) and I wanted to share it with you. It's one of the most beneficial masks that I have ever used in my life, it seriously does wonders! It gets rid of all my spots after two uses and freshens me up leaving a nice tingly feeling. At first I was recommended this product by one of the super friendly Lush staff and I doubted the face mask to be honest with you! The look just wasn't very appealing but I decided to go with what the lady said and bought it; then came out a very happy Denny!

I had recently broken out on my forehead (gross!) and I hardly had any obvious spots on my face before so I knew it was time for a bit of CATASTROPHE COSMETIC! It works amazing on my skin and even though they have a mask for teenage skins (CUPCAKE), this one is much much better! 
I admit that the smell of cupcake is heavenly but when a crisis comes you just gotta do what you gotta do! 

After the first use of this face mask I saw a dramatic difference in my skin and I can't imagine what I would do if Lush didn't make this! My face was brighter, my spots were reduced (ALOT!), my skin was hydrated, and evened out my skin tone. This is the perfect mask to whack on before you go on Holiday! It smells nice and refreshing too.
It doesn't look the best, but who cares about the appearance when your going to wash it off anyway!

What I love about these Fresh Face masks is that when you bring back 5 empty fresh face mask tubs, you get one free!


Doughnuts and Latte!

So I come back home from a hard days worth of shopping and come back with two boxes of Krispy Kreme doughnuts... should I feel guilty? Nah! A box full of delicious assorted doughnuts and a box full of the original glazed doughnuts, I couldn't resist! Besides they were much cheaper if you bought two together (offer). Which ones are your favourite?? Mine has to be the original glazed, cinnamon apple and millionaires something!

What they looked like before my mum dropped then face down on the floor...

Having a hot drink on the first sunny Summers day of England?!  My parents are crazy! I had the chocolate iced mocha, LOVELY JUBBLY stuff!

Too right!

25 July 2012

London calling!

It was time for Urban Bible's first trip to the capital! Yep, Monday Denny, Alysha (a friend of ours) and I hit the streets of London for some quality tourist time and a little shopping. It was really hot that day (30 degrees!!) and the city was more packed than usual because of the upcoming Olympics. But even with the sweaty tubes, overcrowded shops and lost tourists- we still had a lovely time. Plus, we got a chance to sneakily preview our blog in the Apple Shop!!

Food tastes better on vespas

Dara looking fly outside her favourite fast food Asian shop!

Our blog in the Apple store

Dinner with Denny

Tourist shot!

Dara's looking a little too excited here...