2 August 2012

DIY Fringe top tutorial!

All you need to fringe a top is a top and sharp scissors and start cutting strips away! It's so easy to do, anyone can do it. I was just browsing through Urban Outfitters on Oxford Street and saw this vintage purple tank top which seemed perfect to fringe at home. I wouldn't have worn the tank top if it wasn't fringed as I would look like a 5year old! I have filmed a YouTube video on how to fringe a top, click here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PCXc71kZdPA&feature=g-upl

Click above to watch video (how I styled it at the end)
I hope you enjoy this video and post. The shorts I am wearing in the picture have some studs peaking out too, read my blog post on DIY stud denim shorts! http://theurbanbible.blogspot.co.uk/2012/07/diy-stud-denim-shorts-tutorial.html Thumbs it up on Youtube and follow us on Blogger?